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SKA Open House 2022-23
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Added Nov 08, 2022
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I graduated in 2006 highlights from yesterday how's your first week and I'm going to get a cheeseburger definitely after everyone around me was always and there's was like you and make you feel comfortable this morning it's feel like to be able to do you need somewhere to sleep you could definitely put my house is like a warm it actually does something it's 94 like I was just really it feels like a hold of I love it because every class like personalized to what you want to be in so you feel comfortable to keep your character is really really are there all fun I like them a lot. I still talk to a bunch of them and I have a teacher who is my teacher in 9th grade and everything together for us and we have to catch up those from you is over 10 years ago I hadn't simply tag and it was like a comfortable space where I could like tell her anything that I needed to talk to her about what classes are you taking more like this I'm in graphic design and Ivy I started taking it because I do baby Z class and I loved it I actually love them not something that I really loved it and without a kid probably would have known that don't even like sugar cleanest room ever and I just had something that they like to do sign language Spanish them and it's amazing Britain like a side competition last year and it's hot outside a cold and tough build our own machine and I'm like really excited for that class again this year all four years of high school I actually minored in art in college because of that program I led the captain of my child is on Science Olympiad college bowl record you and I was in 11th grade I was the the vice president I just had such a great time with that we have some GiGi costume contest right now I live in LA and I work at you of high school and I run Student Activities there and I give credit to realize that and to the station for really allowing students to have leadership role and have that they still do that now a lot now yeah that's great yet experienced I hang out with your friends hang out with their teachers and like the cookie is always really they highly I've always liked so into it so much fun we had to come this in the auditorium and I asked love that stuff like it's best with it there's a ton of opportunities offered to go to ask a first day I was involved and y'all had a club actually started when I was going to ask and 11th grade at the other day like it was like just me doing something I enjoy doing they are totally by your side in like they want to make it happen so if you have an idea like totally run with it and I was also part of some of the religious programs in school there programs like TTYL which is turning to be let into your life Max the action committee for student in their opportunities like, this is Dominic on the beach tonight and then we actually walked a few blocks to have breakfast I love that you're going to remember that fuel at the beach the purpose of these programs is really just to show you that growth exists also beyond the classroom where you can find an area of you to say whether it was a horror the way you speak about your modesty we can apply that outside of the classroom are you interested in sports I play soccer soccer volleyball basketball softball hockey tennis if that's been gone for two movies I like be friends with people that are as real and the coaches are like the best going to the store seems like all your friends coming to you on Sunday production I want to dance my sister and I went to the discussions I choose in and like when you go there you just you see any like instantly or like I want to be part of that I never said it's not just like freshman and didn't like you have freshman sophomore Junior and senior feel like you become friends with these girls who like you and I have no Authority because they're not in your grade and you but it's like you're not a dance person. You have so much to offer like you could do, do you feel like needs a call when you can use the choir and it's all the back gate if I kill lading and it sounded like their van to complain a lot you think you grew over your four years asking about freshman year but also throughout my years of high school I just really gained so much confidence in so many different areas helping you grow I respect and appreciation and a value system for Torah that is so inculcated in SK and its mission that there's no way to to get away from it exactly the things you learn to become the things that you live I learned it and I my teachers living it if it came something that I wanted to live to the last year and I was able to continue now I'm a biology major and a public health minor last year for my nursing program and I'm about to start a job as a nurse in Columbia and if he died for Cardiology in it or excited I have the services here to help you in terms of preparing for first let me show you like every opportunity offered from Community College to go inside ivy league device that will help me go and followed my advice is in terms of academic really take advantage of the teachers like they are there for you to help you and you know how Caillou dust and I understand what you're going through take advantage of every Sunrise trip every shot by tone every Club you can purchase it if you want to if you want to be in a sports team do it with T ends with production with Max and field programs are so many opportunities to really skills to be involved in to make sure that you take advantage of that you're going to find your place in the ones that are best for you and the classes you connect to you in the jacuzzi connect to most and you're going to grow so much. 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